
TopicHero 2017

Introducing TopicHero 2017

TopicHero is a foundational building block of both Collaborative Intelligence and Enterprise Maturity.

What’s Collaborative Intelligence?

Collaborative Intelligence is the integrated intelligence of groups of people with groups of technology tools. This can can take numerous forms including:

  1. Capturing, Organizing, Automating, and Sharing the Knowledge and Reasoning of Internet Interactions: (i.e. TopicHero) There is a wealth of knowledge and reasoning encapsulated in interactions within: Links, RSS/News Feeds, Search/Social Engines, Webpages/Notes/Editors, Images, Chat and Messages. TopicHero provides tools to capture, organize, automate and share this knowledge and reasoning.
  2. Active Control of Intelligent Search and Analysis through Multiple Manipulations of Sophisticated Applications: (i.e. NuEngineer) The masters of the different applications capture significant amounts of knowledge and reasoning within their respective applications. The NuEngineer team is a TopicHero sister company specializing in this type of collaborative intelligence, and the TopicHero’s team provides services in this area.

What’s Enterprise Maturity?

Enterprise Maturity is a family of scientific process for optimizing the flow of reasoning within and between all of the entities operating within enterprises. This is juxtaposed against alternative modern models that look to the optimize the psychology of leaders (which only has a limited bearing on the optimization of enterprises). Enterprise Maturity includes:

  1. Vision at the Speed of Change: Most companies are stuck creating strategy and vision for a week or two at the beginning of their corporate year. This means that the vision they create is out of date on an average of six months. TopicHero along with the associated IT Maturity Method from TopicHero’s parent company IT Maturity, Inc, enable enterprises to continually flow changes and advances within their global environment into a living Vision that grows and evolves with their environment. This requires tools and processes that enable every entity/person within the enterprise.
  2. Exceptional Leadership is the Methodical and Continual Creation of Heroes: Every entity needs tools to methodically and continually observe and process changes and advances, as well as to share and escalate associated issues and opportunities throughout the enterprise. This means that tools are needed to enable every entity within the enterprise to become a hero in their own areas of specialization. Being a hero means excellence both technically and from an enterprise interaction perspective. TopicHero provides sophisticated user friendly tools the enable both gathering and sharing knowledge and reasoning. Further, the associated IT Maturity Method provides training in evolving enterprise interactions.

New 2017 Features

We’ve had a busy year here at TopicHero creating numerous advances on top of our early 2016 release. Here’s what’s new:

Business, Enterprise & Security

  1. Security Enhancements: We’ve added Https, image security, as well as firewall enhancements.
  2. Business Version: Business can now automatically create a private environment where they can share protected Topics and Chat Subjects within their own private environments. This includes user management tools to add and remove users.
  3. Enterprise Features: Large enterprises can also use TopicHero as their is now an API for automated user management.
  4. Keys for Hidden Topics: Additional security has been created for hidden Topics, allowing more secure granular control of who can access Topics.

News, RSS Feeds & Search

  1. News Clustering: Users are no longer restricted to looking through news feed by feed. The News/Cluster feature will gather all of the article from all of the feeds in the current Topic and Cluster them in groups by similarity.
  2. News Report Template: Users who gather news article from many different sources and share them with others now have a powerful and elegant template and tools for gathering articles and sharing them with others.
  3. RSS Search: Users now have numerous TopicHero web based RSS search tools, including the ability to automatically search through websites for their RSS Feeds.
  4. RSS and Search Templates: Many sophisticated sites such as Twitter and Youtube have methods to automatically create RSS Feeds and even specialized searches. TopicHero now has templates to automatically grab RSS Feeds from these and other similar sites.
  5. RSS Full Directory: A new directory for RSS Feeds has been added to the already existing Quick RSS Directory. The new RSS Full Directory includes descriptions with the RSS Feed name and link.
  6. All RSS Full: The center view of all RSS Feeds within a Topic now includes the option of viewing full RSS Feeds on top of the existing snippets view.

Webpages, Images & Notes

  1. Images: Users can now capture and upload images into TopicHero. Images are organized and protected by Topic.
  2. Webpage Templates: There are numerous new elegant responsive design webpage templates that users can now take advantage.
  3. Widgets: There are numerous new widgets that users can now take advantage of. This includes external widgets such as: Twitter and Adsense widgets that can be used within TopicHero Topics and Webpages, as well as TopicHero widgets such as Newspage, Chat, and User Messages that can be used in external sites.
  4. W3.CSS: Frameworks are common addons to many popular computer design systems that enable faster, cleaners and more elegant designs. TopicHero now allows you to take advantage of one of the newest frameworks from W3Schools.
  5. Backups: TopicHero now automatically saves your work within the Webpage/Editor every few seconds. Additionally, there is a backup/revert feature to make saves at important design stages, so that users can do significant backtracking if they need to.
  6. Formatting: Additional formatting features have been added including font sizing, and header formats.

Chat, Topics & View

  1. Friend List: Users can now copy the user id’s of those they wish to regularly communicate with into a friend list.
  2. Refresh: As TopicHero allows users to work on several different Topics at the same time within different tabs, browsers, and devices, data can sometimes get out of synch. The Refresh button allows users to quickly gather all of the most recent updates.
  3. Modern Look & Feel: TopicHero now has a more modern look and field. This includes the renaming of several tools.
  4. Help Migration: TopicHero allows users to quickly create elegant webpages. TopicHero’s Help system has been migrated into TopicHero Topics to itself take advantage of some the newest TopicHero features.

Twitter Tags: @ITMaturity, #CollaborativeIntelligence, #EnterpriseMaturity, #TopicHero, #NuEngineer, #ITMaturityMethod